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I would like to talk about Patriotism and what that word means to me. This is my opinion and position on this topic and in no way am I trying to influence anyone to my way of thinking.

People tend to identify themselves by their heritage using terms like Spanish American, Irish American, Italian Americam, and yes Black American or African American. Based on this I would be a German/Swedish American. But stop and take a look here for a moment. What is the common thread with all of these? That’s right they ALL identify themselves as American.

In my opinion if you identify yourself as Italian, Polish, African and so on without using the word American after then you simply don’t belong in this country. If you live here I don’t care if you are a citizen of this country or not. You CHOSE to live here therefore you should consider yourself an American.

To me Patriotism is a sense of loyalty to your country and your flag. Your Patriotism shouldn’t waver based on who is in the Whitehouse or what the politicians or even the media are telling you. If it does then you probably shouldn’t be here. Now I’m not saying don’t question the government. In fact we should be questioning their decisions to make sure what is decided is in the public’s best interest. But do it the right way, protesting before you know the facts is stupid and counterproductive to progress. Yes, some Police Officers step over the line but not nearly as many as the media would like you to believe. These backyard lawyers posting partial videos of encounters with Law Enforcement when they (the citizen) are baiting the officers into violating their rights is plain ridiculous.

I love my country and the flag that represents it. I have served my country both in the military and publically as a Police Officer. I would have gladly given my life for the United States as well as the City and citizens I swore to protect. No one can take that from me I own it and it’s mine. I have seen and done things that no one should ever be asked to do. I did this so all of you wouldn’t have to see or do them yourselves. I carry scars from these things and will for life. I am not complaining as I would do it all over again if I could. I would like nothing more than to reenlist or sign back on with another Police Department. The sad truth of it is that Father time has caught up with me and I am simply too old to do so. But that my friend is what Patriotism means to me. Giving everything for your country and what you believe in and not asking for anything in return. Loving your country even with all its flaws and still being willing to give everything to protect it and what it stands for.

So fly your flag no matter what country it represents, honor your family heritage as you should. But Honor the Stars and Stripes and these United States of America as well. Only by doing these things can we bring this amazing country back to what it was and should always be. We all need to stand united, every person, and every race. We all need to stand united as Americans…

This is just my opinion.

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