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Airsoft Celebs

So there has been talk about “Airsoft Celebrities” online for a while now. Some are saying anyone can become one and seems to be less than happy about that. I find this interesting since this individual is also one. Why not let everyone have an opinion and voice it? When did it happen that a chosen few get to be the only ones with an opinion on gear or the game itself? It is your choice to follow them or not, just as much as it is their choice to put themselves out there to be criticized. Make no mistake about it if you put yourself out there you will find people who are with you and against you. I do not in any way consider myself a Celebrity of ANY KIND. I am simply a player who loves this hobby but absolutely hates the drama queens that it produces. There are celebs that clearly are all about creating drama. Making statements based off what they feel will stir the pot without speaking to anyone involved to get the true story first. Those are the ones we can do without.

Then there are celebs like Unicorn Leah and Jet Desert Fox. Two players turned celeb who are doing what they can for themselves and the hobby. Do I agree with everything they do? Absolutely not, but then I don’t have to. I see what they are doing and why and give them a lot of credit. They steer clear of the drama machine that is constantly swirling around them.

People have said that the hobby wants the drama. I say that a few key people in the hobby want it and do everything they can to keep it going. Just because someone doesn’t agree with your opinion doesn’t mean they are “Mad” about it. All it means is that they don’t see it the same way as you do. Honestly I feel bad for these players. If their entire identity is based around their airsoft image they need help and a lot of it. If the only way you find that you are relevant is by bashing other players or event runners for things you really have no clue about you are a very small person.

I am a player, but to me this is a hobby not my life. I am a professional with a good job, a family and a home. I do this on the weekends to relieve stress. I do a podcast and this blog (for lack of a better description). I do the podcast to give others a voice and I write the blog as a way of letting my frustrations out. I’m not concerned about how many likes I get or how many people listen to the show. That doesn’t matter to me.

We need to focus on the positive aspects of the game. Starting drama drives players away and definitely doesn’t bring new players in. I’m not asking for a call to action against these people or anything like that. Let them keep doing what they do. They will either gain traction or lose it, but in the end the future of this hobby we all love will be determined by the popular opinion of the players. It will flourish or it will die. That end result is up to you the players. Choose a path but choose wisely for if this negativity and drama continues we will all have a lot of gear that just sits in the closet.

This is “Just my Opinion”

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